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Half Day Classes

Monday – Thursday
AM Class - 8:30 am – 12:00pm

PM Class - 12:00 pm – 3:30pm


Full Day Classes

Monday – Friday
AM Class - 8:30 am – 3:00pm


Our staff is available for questions,
home visits and conferences:

Fridays from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Centers Are Open

Monday – Friday
8am – 4pm


Head Start

Toni Heller ext. 261

Head Start Director

Donna Shields ext. 288

Assistant Head Start Director

Sharanita Brogdon ext. 244

Education Manager

Tracey Williamson ext. 133

Head Start Nurse

Family Services Department

ext. 224, 344, 346, & 347

Cassandra Hughley ext. 267/287

Registration Clerk


  • What is HeadStart?
    Head Start is a federal program authorized by the Improving Head Start for School Readiness Act of 2007. Head Start provides comprehensive child development, health, and social service programs for low-income families. The goal of Head Start is to provide activities and programs that develop the social, cognitive, and emotional skills of children, while supporting their families’ well-being and development. Head Start is for children aged three to five years of age.
  • What is HSPPS?
    HSPPS-Head Start Program Performance Standards are the detailed regulations that all Head Start programs must follow. They are The Head Start Program Performance Standards are available at:
  • What is the HeadStart Act?
    The Head Start Act is federal law that outlines the Head Start program requirements. Access to the 2007 amended version is available at:
  • What is the SUTQ rating system?
    Step Up to Quality (SUTQ) is a star rating system in the state of Ohio that requires participating programs to maintain high quality early childhood standards. The rating system ranges from 1 to 5, Five (5) being the highest rating. Programs are rated based on: Employing teachers that have attained teaching degrees Performing ongoing assessments throughout the year to evaluate development and help improve student growth using the online Teaching Strategies Gold System (TSGS). Use of a research-based curriculum and individualized lessons for children. Professional Development Plans (PDP) that are current and meet the needs of each individual employee for professional growth. Class observations are completed in the classrooms two times a year to inform staff of their practices and improve quality classroom interactions. Below is a link for a pamphlet for families with information regarding SUTQ.
  • Does HeadStart offer potty training assistance?
    Potty training assistance is provided to each family individually based on the needs of child. Children go to the restroom daily as a group, and the teaching staff assist children who may need assistance with potty training. TCAP provides resources to the family on potty training, as needed. The teachers and parents set goals for the child at the start of the school year and at three other checkpoints (fall, winter, spring). If potty training is the goal of the parent, resources on potty training will be sent home and progress will be shared to help the child become fully potty trained. The teaching staff and Family Services Department can provide resources to the family based on the individual need of the child.
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